If the right thing for you and your family is to purchase a home this year, buying sooner rather than later could lead to substantial savings. Check out this great link for reasons to buy this winter!
4 Reasons To Buy Your Dream Home This Winter
#WhyRentWhenYouCanOwn #SerafiniSellsHomes #RealEstate #Realtor #ChristineSerafini #MRG #RealEstateAgent #MirandaRealEstateGroup #BuyAHome #HomeOwnership #FirstTimeHomeBuyer #FHA #EmptyNesters #GetRealtor #DreamHome #Winter #StopPayingYourLandlord #Homes #CapitalDistrict #NY #StartPackin
Christine Serafini
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
Miranda Real Estate Group, Inc.
Cell phone: (518) 514-8830
"I'm not bragging. I'm applying for a job. I want to be your Realtor."